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“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
–Ralph Waldo Emerson

How we met

Anna inspires me constantly. Whether it is because she knows how to make her dreams work running her co-working space or by being one of the most thoughtful people I know, she is one ace of a human. I thank my lucky stars everyday that I get to be friends with her! We technically met initially because I won a ticket to one of her papercrafting workshops. I was brand-spanking new to Canberra and recovering from a broken heart but the unicorn I made that day still hangs on my walls to remind me to be a f***ing unicorn every day! Our paths really crossed when my partner moved in with this sparkly lady and the hijinks ensued. From learning cross-country skiing to Wally walks, from sweating it out over New Years to Drag Race on the couch, I adore this one.


Get to know Anna

What are three words that you’d like to define yourself with?
Courageous, thoughtful and free.

To you, what is confidence?
Confidence is experience and preparation. It’s support from loved ones and pep talks to yourself in the mirror each morning. It’s approaching every situation with a healthy dose of optimism and not sweating the small stuff when things go pear-shaped.

What would you tell 13-year-old you?
The road less travelled is a whole lot of hard work and making it up as you go. But, the end result is so very worth it and puts you in front of a whole bunch of inspiring and incredible human beings.

What is the one thing you cannot resist?
A cheeky Goodberries run.

Anyone taking risks, making sacrifices, and battling self-doubt to create, inspire change and start something new.
— Anna, on who inspires her.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
‘I do believe that luck exists, but people choosing to share, support, connect, promote and raise others up is how most things are actually accomplished’ – Adam J Kurtz, ultimate Instagram life coach.

What have the men in your life taught you about being a woman?
My dad taught me to question everything, to take things apart, learn from others, think deeply and seek out advice at every turn. My brother taught me how to care for others and work hard to make a difference. My partner inspired me to connect and engage with everyone you cross paths with, to always be kind and how to make really great cider.

To you, what is it to be female?
Never giving up, and supporting and celebrating others to do the same!

If given a chance, who would you like to be for a day?
I would like to swap lives with my dog – lounge around the house, roll in dirt and be showered with love and affection from everyone.

What did you want to be when growing up?
A professional unicyclist.


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