“My friends are my estate.”
–Emily Dickinson
How we met
If I had not ended up in Canberra, Anna and I might have just stayed friends who once worked together a few years back but she well and truly took me under her wing when I first moved there. I can never thank her enough for the support at that time. I love catching up with her because I find her perspective on life so refreshing.
She asks the best questions and makes me think about things in a totally different way. She’s a keen interviewer and listener and these are incredibly admirable skills. I need to do more of this for her! As a fellow goal-orientated lady, here is her gold star for being an awesome friend and for being part of this project.
Get to know Anna
What motivates you to get up in the mornings?
My phone alarm, habit and reminding myself that I’m usually energetic in the mornings (and evenings) but not the afternoon – if only I could have a siesta every day! I am motivated by lots of things, including learning, writing and spending time with the inspiring people around me. Plus a productive mix of envy and pride.
What would you tell 13-year-old you?
It’s okay to step back from activities you’re not enjoying, even if they seem more prestigious. Not everyone will like you, but you’ll find plenty of people who will. Also, practise driving on the farm more!
What is the first concert you attended?
Does the Port Fairy Folk Festival count? We ran wild as kids among the hippies.
What is on your bucket list?
Going on another long multi-day bushwalk. I enjoy exploring new cities, but I’m realising that I really prefer just walking around outside.
“I’m already very privileged, so I’d like them to focus on being allies and making this the status quo for more people. The self-described ‘black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet’ Audre Lorde said ‘I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.”
What phobias do you have?
It doesn’t fit the definition of a phobia, but the idea of being trapped in water under ice scares me. Luckily, that’s not such a problem in Canberra. Also, caterpillars are creepy.
If you were to write a self-help book, what would the topic be?
It would probably be more of a society-help book, because lots of challenges faced by individuals are actually caused or exacerbated by external structures (economic inequity, the patriarchy, racism…). Telling one reader at a time how to improve their self-care routines seems inefficient.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
I’m pretty goal-oriented and I enjoy getting gold stars, so the advice ‘don’t postpone joy’ is something that really resonates with me. I’m not sure who said it first.
If your house was burning down, what is the one non-living thing you would save?
Technology means lots of precious things aren’t tangible anymore – photos, music, books, friends’ contacts and my life admin details are all online. So I suppose I’d try and save something non-fungible, like the beautiful blanket my aunt gave me for my 21st. My phone is clearly in my pocket in this scenario.