“I have made a lot of mistakes falling in love, and regretted most of them, but never the potatoes that went with them.”
—Nora Ephron
How we met
Ash is another of Sarah’s friends and my god, I loved her laugh! To help loosen up for the photo, I had Sarah stand behind me to be funny and we created magic together of a genuine laughing portrait. To me, you can capture happiness on film and capturing that joy, to me, says so much about the human experience. We use laughter in all different situations: when something is funny; to fill an awkward silence; when something isn’t funny but you need to fake laugh; and through tears.
What all of these have in common is that, positive or negative, it comes from a bonding experience because in most situations a laughter arises between at least two people as a collective response to the situation. I’m honoured Ash enjoyed the photo so much through the laughter and that I was able to capture that. Finally, given Ash’s love of potatoes, I couldn’t resist the quote above!
Get to know Ash
What would you tell 13-year-old you?
You aren’t someone who will tick boxes for normal life achievements like buying a house, getting married or having kids. So, stop trying to please everyone, do what makes you happy and find your own personal success.
If you were an animal, what would you be?
A snow leopard.
What are your three most overused words/phrases?
Keen, no worries and yay.
What is your signature dish?
Chicken and leek with polenta. This bore out of the combination of hunger and using what was in the fridge on a public holiday, this dish has now become a staple on my winter meal rotation. This dish is best served with a glass of red wine whilst sitting in front of a fire.
Top three life highlights?
Dogsledding in Mongolia with my sister.
Drinking Korean wine in Seoul at a local food stall. I was with my best friend and 2 random Koreans who were telling us about their adventure to the Sydney Olympics.
Watching the sunset over Hampi, whilst sitting on a giant orange boulder at Matanga Hills.
“Potato, in any and all forms. If it’s in a meal description on a menu, I know what I’ll be ordering.”
What is the first concert you attended?
Big Day Out on the Gold Coast.
Where have you lived in? Any standout homes and why?
I have lived in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne and now Canberra. My standout home was a warehouse in Collingwood that was large enough to ride a bicycle inside. The most amazing part of the place will always be the people, housemates and visitors alike. The house had an open-door policy and there was a never-ending array of amazing people staying with us. I learnt so much about myself, others and the world that it will always be a time in my life that I will treasure.
What book did you read last? And what books are on your to-read list?
The last book I read was Nudge. It covers behavioural economics and explores the intended and unintended impacts that policies can have on human behaviour. On my to-read list is The Body Keeps the Score, a book that examines how the body stores the effects of traumatic events and how treating the body and mind can help overcome PTSD.
Would you rather be a tiny elephant or a giant hamster?
Tiny elephant.