“There are some things you can’t share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them.”
–JK Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
How we met
For Alex and I, it was our university publishing and editing course that bonded us for life as the Fireballs along with Jacquie. We all have our people that no matter the time of day we can message and know they have your back. Alex is that for me and I hope I can live up to that for her. Her portrait is one of my absolute favourites — taken by pool light, perusing the 52 Ladies book.
She allowed me to take her photo if she could pretend it wasn’t happening so this was a perfect summer evening, cooling off and chatting. I love how the light hits just one eye and how absolutely beautiful she looks. Alex is a fierce hardworker who will do anything for those she loves but especially for Henry, her adorable pup. I want every dream of hers to come true for she means so much to me!
Get to know Alex
What book did you read last? And what books are on your to-read list?
I’m reading Agatha Christie’s Poirot books for the first time and I’m enthralled! I’ve nearly finished Poirot Investigates and I’ll read The Murder of Roger Ackroyd next. I can’t wait as it was voted Best Crime Novel ever in 2013. Also in my to-read list for 2019 are 15 classics that I haven’t read before – A Tale of Two Cities, The Catcher in the Rye and Frankenstein!
What TV show/movie are you ashamed to admit you love?
I have a secret love for Lifestyle shows, and the one I can’t get enough of is Dance Moms. Abbey Lee Miller is one of the most awful personalities on TV, the drama is highly scripted (mostly) and the ‘Moms’ set a terrible example for their daughters. However, the girls are sweet and amazingly talented. I can’t get enough!
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
I was working with a psychologist on stress management and she said something that I try to keep in mind every day: ‘When you are anxious it is because you are living in the future. When you are depressed it is because you are living in the past’. The original quote has been misattributed for years, but I think it is an excellent reminder to stay focused on what we are doing and stop dwelling on the things that are out of our control.
What is your signature dish?
I made a pepper beef ragu that is a big favourite at home. I make it with plenty of pepper because my Dad has always been a big fan of black pepper, and I’ve grown to love it that way. The dish slow cooks for as long as possible until the beef is falling apart, and the tomato, wine and stock sauce sticks to the pasta.
“I don’t get to choose, I have been told I am Little Miss Bossy and I can’t really argue with that! I’m a big sister and the oldest of a lot of extended family. I was born bossy!”
Who inspires you?
I’m going to be a cliché but my parents have inspired me. My Mum managed to earn her way into a fulfilling and meaningful career, while doing most of the housework, and cooking delicious dinners every night. My Dad is one of the smartest and most likeable people I know, he’s dependable, thoughtful and a big softie. They have an amazing partnership, and have always supported each other to raise their family. I want to be just like them when I grow up.
What would you tell 13-year-old you?
Focus on what you want and who you want to be. Don’t try too hard to be cool – it isn’t worth it. The best friends of your life are coming and they’ll love you for every quirk and flaw.
Bonus Harry Potter questions: What would your patronus be?
I think my patronus would be a puppy, something small and yappy, with a lot more bark than bite. I definitely think I’m tougher than I am.
If presented with Amortentia, what would you smell?
I would smell the scents associated with baking, lots of vanilla, sugar, caramel, chocolate and cinnamon. I think baking smells soothe the soul.
Which Deathly Hallow would you choose and why?
I’ve read the books, I know I’m meant to want the invisibility cloak! I think I do really want the cloak, it would be nice to leave everything behind for a little while and hide under the cloak. I would like to ask the rules of the wand though, would it give me magic? I’m accepted my Hogwarts letter is never coming and I’m probably a muggle, but I’d choose the wand if it bestowed magic on me!