“Here if you need.”
–Infamous netball line
How we met
Alice is my netball gal. That’s how we met when I first moved to Canberra and we’ve had an epic high of winning a season! Our prize was the choice of Netball ACT socks or towels – we took towels. Alice is so enjoyable to talk to and I always look forward to seeing her gorgeous smile on a Thursday (or a Tuesday when we play against each other) because she is always so bubbly. Her answer about ‘sorry’ is so valid and quite a few ladies in the project echo this. But Alice, you should never apologise for being an absolute kickass human who I love being in the presence of.
Get to know Alice
To you, what is the best part about being a woman?
The meaningful relationships it allows me to cultivate with other women.
If your house was burning down, what is the one non-living thing you would save?
My granny’s necklace. It is only costume jewellery but when she gave it to me as a child she explained that a ‘fancy man’ she had been seeing in the 50’s had given it to her. I like the idea that she had fun and got around a bit before settling down.
What is your favourite thing to do in Canberra?
Make myself do the Mount Ainslie walk. You always feel like you’ve achieved something and the light changes the view each time.
What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
A wolfhound (and a huge house with a garden to keep it in).
What would you tell 13-year-old you?
Relax, it’ll all come together in the end. There are so many beautiful people out there you haven’t met yet.
What are your three most overused words?
Sorry, sorry and sorry.
What one food do you wish had zero calories?
Is there any appropriate answer other than chocolate?
Who did you want to be when you were growing up?
At various points a ‘McDonalds worker’, an ‘ironing lady’ and a dentist. I’ve ended up at some middle ground as a lawyer.
“Basking in sunshine, friends, messing around at the beach or in a stream and being just a little bit tipsy (probably not the safest as a combination).”
How do you define success?
Being able to look after yourself and the people you love without causing detriment to others.
What is the most important thing you have learned in the last five years?
That things can and will change. You have to get up in the morning and keep trying. Eventually you will feel okay again.
What is the first concert you attended?
Robbie Williams, 2006.
What’s your favourite holiday memory?
Summer in England in 2002. So far as I can remember every day was visiting family, frolicking in the sunshine and eating ice cream.
What, to you, is the most pressing issue women face?
Being understood outside of stereotypes and tropes about how women are or should be. Being understood as individuals and fully rounded human beings with a plethora of values, hopes and motivations unique to that person. It is only from this understanding that respectful and equal treatment, in all areas of life and society, can flow.